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extremely practical, soft and delicate roller cloths for heavy dirt two-sided - the smooth side...
Availability: 48h
intended for cleaning and polishing various types of surfaces soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch...
Availability: 48h
soft and delicate cloths will be helpful in all household chores can be used both wet ...
Availability: 48h
miękkie i delikatne ściereczki narolce będą pomocne przy wszystkich pracach domowych można ich używać zarówno na mokro, ...
Availability: 48h
sponge cloths, soft, absorbent and very durable…
Availability: 48h
cloth enriched with silver ions, which prevent the multiplication of bacteria in the cloth…
Availability: 48h
microfibre cloths, set of four coloured cloths, each can be used for a different room or purpose…
Availability: 48h
cloths like cotton, are pleasant to the touch, soft and delicate…
Availability: 48h
multipurpose cloths on a roll, ideal for dry and wet use…
Availability: 48h
for effective removal of dust deposited on furniture, RTV equipment, chandeliers, curtain rails, musical and optical instruments...
Availability: 48h
for cleaning and polishing mirrors, windows, glass and or very delicate surface...
Availability: 48h
perfect for polishing all kinds of smooth surfaces, in particular chrome surfaces...
Availability: TEL.