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classic, opaque bags, made of thick and strong LDPE film…
Availability: 48h
garbage bags made of yellow HDPE film…
Availability: 48h
trash bags made of green HDPE film…
Availability: 48h
strong bin liners for office waste;capacity: 35l;foil thickness: 18μm;size: 49x56cm;15 pcs in sales u...
Availability: 48h
classic, opaque bags, made of thick and strong LDPE film…
Availability: 48h
classic, opaque bags, made of thick and strong LDPE film…
Availability: 48h
bathroom bags, indispensable in every bathroom…
Availability: 48h
strong rubbish sacks, indispensable in every home and business…
Availability: 7 dni
strong office garbage bags, capacity: 35 l...
Availability: 48h